Day 1 started in China...
Have you ever heard of a book called "The China Study"? I have started to listen to it on CD and it has some really interesting information. (I've had it on my iPod for quite a while now but the title didn't sound very inviting.)
The China Study
results show (in a nutshell ... no pun intended) how animal products in our diet (meat, eggs, milk, etc.) contribute to cancer as well as a bunch of other "degenerative diseases" such as prostrate problems, heart disease, and more. It is pretty amazing information and I'm definitely not giving you the same impact that the book does... perhaps I will expand on the China Study in another blog entry... and it got me thinking.
The Salad Revelation...
The last time I was in OUTSTANDING shape was back in graduate school. Back then, I was working out at least once (often twice or even three times) per day, and more imporantly, I ate a salad for lunch every day and as many dinners as possible. Now, I have quite a way to go... but it still sounds like a good plan.
So today I got up at 5:30am (another new habit I'm developing), drank a bottle or two of water, worked on my computer a while (since it was raining at the time) and went running when the rain slowed down. When I got back, I drank more water and had a large (primarily veggie) salad* for lunch. It was so nice that I took a picture of it.
What's for Dinner?
For dinner, I would ordinarily eat something pretty unhealthy... pizza being my drug of choice. Tonight, though, I had 3/4 of a watermelon. I was very surprised by how filling and tasty it was.
That, plus some more water, was it for the day !
I went to bed early (10am... another habit I'm building) and avoided sitting mindlessly in front of the television for hours on end.
Day 1 is "in the books" !
d.Mark "Dave" Wheeler
*If you are interested in the recipe for the salad (it took less than 10 minutes to make)... leave a comment and let me know.
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